James B. Borders IV, consultant and writer, will engage Lisa Sigal, EFA Grantee, in an open and participatory discussion about the acclaimed book "Open City" by Nigerian-American author Teju Cole, Wednesday February 19, 6-7 PM, P.3READS, Prospect New Orleans.
Lisa Sigal
Cate McQuiad of The Boston Globe reviews EFA Grantee Lisa Sigal's exhibition "Shifting Horizons" at Samson in Boston, April 5 through May 25, 2013.
Lisa Sigal
Jenny Gill of Creative Capital's The Lab interviews EFA grantee Lisa Sigal about her recent work on view at LA><ART, January 12 to February 23, 2013.
Lisa Sigal
Sharon Mizota of the Los Angeles Times reviews EFA Grantee Lisa Sigal's work on view at LAXART January 12 to February 23, 2013.
Lisa Sigal
Stephanie Hoffpauir from "The Vista" reports on EFA Grantee Lisa Sigal's visit to the University of San Diego to give a talk about her career as artist and her work.